Private Session

Save What Works, Restore What Hurts

One To One Private Session

Per Hour includes Towels RM 150
One to One is the most efficient way to address your specific pain syndrome or goal. Should you have musculoskeletal pain, a medical condition or need postural correction, an evaluation is compulsory and a corrective exercise program is prescribed. If more than 60 minutes is required in a session, charges are pro rata.

Small Group (2 – 3) Private Session

Per Hour includes Towels RM 150
Exercising in a small group allows for tailoring of a more time efficient program. It also keeps you accountable and gives you direction to follow thru on your fitness goals with your group’s encouragement. ***** Note: small group is not for anyone with pre-existing musculoskeletal pain or medical condition unless everyone in the group is the same. All in the group are to have similar goals. If more than 3, add 30 for each extra individual. Max in a small group is 6. If more than 60 minutes is required in a session, charges are pro rata

Holistic Fitness (A Whole Person Approach)

Private Sessions allows you to address your unique areas of concern. All Programs Includes mobilizations, stretches and strength components as well as lifestyle coaching to improve your vitality and health. We provide

  • Corrective Programs for postural dysfunction, post-rehabilitation and musculoskeletal pain syndromes like lower back, neck or shoulder pain
  • Performance-Specific Programs for athletes and the general public, specializing in Golf
  • General Fitness Programs that improve your overall health & strength at any age
