Group Session

Save What Works, Restore What Hurts

Since our inception in September 2000,  Fit 4 Life continues to offer a wide variety of Group Sessions on cushioned timber flooring with a strong focus on posture, technique and the importance of cross-training to reduce the risk of repetitive injury & joint injury. With CHEK Principles at its core, the sequence of Flexibility-Stability-Strength-Power is our foundation.  This ensures  an optimal range of motion for joints for life, encompassing our motto of  Train Smart – Train For A Life Time.  Sessions are multi-level to suit  specific needs while challenging every fitness level with corrective exercise principles to  Save What Works & Restore What Hurts.  All classes (except Restore Your Face & INTENSE )  have both live and zoom options.  Restore Your Face will remain exclusively via Zoom until the pandemic is totally over.

Group Session is not meant for individual consultation on injury or problem. Private Session is advised for such cases. Fit 4 Life reserves the right to change class schedules pending instructor availability and required minimum numbers. Pre-registration is compulsory for all classes to allow for better class planning.  Spaces are limited,  Please Whatsapp 0128886767 for availability.

1 Towel per session
RM40/ session
No Towels 10 sessions
RM30/ session
1 Big Towel 10 sessions
RM31/ session
Via Zoom
RM20/ session

Session Description